Safety Policy


Corporate philosophy on Safety

"Safety first" - We give top priority to ensuring safety based on the spirit of respect for human's life and dignity


1) The president will lead all employees, crew members of the managed vessels and workers of cargo handling companies to work together to ensure safety and improve safety measures, and at the same time, will promote safe and comfortable working environment.
2) Establish a system to reliably formulate, implement, evaluate, and improve plans concerning the safety of transportation and cargo handling, and promote sharing safety information and accident prevention with all the parties involved.

Safety measures

1) Comply with the relevant laws and regulations and safety management rules.
2) Establish a safety management system and maintain and improve the system to achieve the safety policy.
3) Conduct regular internal audits and implement necessary corrections, improvements and preventive measures.
4) Establish a safety communication system to convey and share necessary information to all employees, crew members and workers.
5) Establish a safety training system and provide necessary education and training to all personnel to improve their abilities and skills.
6) Grasp the current status of operating vessels (hull / engine / equipment) and cargo handling equipment / facilities, and thoroughly maintain their best condition.
7) Carry out daily safety activities, maintenance and inspections to prevent accidents.


